Press release about LUSITANIA in HOY journal.

  • Mon, 11/10/2010

Supercomputer Lusitania"El ordenador que nunca descansa" is the title of the press release issued by the HOY Journal which gather the characteristics and qualities that have made the Supercomputer LUSITANIA a reference, mainly for its practical applications about climate prediction, complex equations applied to electromagnetism, early detection of diseases like cancer, etc, executed all in short periods of time.

COMPUTAEX travels to San Francisco to collect the Itanium Solution Alliance prize

  • Mon, 13/09/2010

Humanitarian Impact Innovation Winner LogoJosé Luis González, COMPUTAEX General Manager, has traveled to San Francisco to collect the Itanium Solutions Alliance prize in the category of "Humanitarian Impact". The "Humanitarian Impact" category rewards the innovative use of Itanium-based systems to deliver results that benefit humanity through research, social improvements or other humanitarian efforts.

COMPUTAEX was also finalist in the category of "Computationally Intensive Applications" in conjunction with the University of Málaga and e-Bay, where the winner was the University of Málaga.

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